株投資短歌: 銀行株の金利上昇折込み具合 Bank shares – how much interest rate increase discounted? – investment tanka

中湖 康太

株投資短歌: 銀行株の金利上昇折込み具合
Bank shares – How much interest rate increase discounted? – Stock Investment Tanka

銀行株(ギンコーカブ) 金利上昇 折込は 7合目とぞ 見るはリスクか

銀行株 株価評価で 見るならば 今だ割安と みるはいかがか

Bank shares have appreciated over the last six months or so, discounting the interest rate rise expected.
Yet, is it a risk to see it’s still on the way up at 7th station for further appreciation, anticipated?

What’s the risk of viewing bank shares cheap valuation wise,
So far appreciated over the last six months or so price wise?

By Kota Nakako


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