24. このたびは 幣(ぬさ)もとりあへず 手向山(たむけやま) 紅葉のにしき 神のまにまに – 菅原道真 This time, the trip hastily conducted, I wish the red leaves of Tamukeyama dedicated to Kami Would be as offerings accepted In accordance with the wishes of Kami And at the mercy of Kami Michizane Sugawara Translated by Kota Nakako

中湖 康太

24. このたびは 幣(ぬさ)もとりあへず 手向山(たむけやま) 紅葉のにしき 神のまにまに – 菅原道真 This time, the trip hastily conducted, I wish the red leaves of Tamukeyama dedicated to Kami Would be as offerings accepted In accordance with the wishes of Kami And at the mercy of Kami Michizane Sugawara Translated by Kota Nakako

24. このたびは 幣(ぬさ)もとりあへず 手向山(たむけやま) 紅葉のにしき 神のまにまに – 菅原道真 This time, the trip hastily conducted, I wish the red leaves of Tamukeyama dedicated to Kami Would be as offerings accepted In accordance with the wishes of Kami And at the mercy of Kami Michizane Sugawara Translated by Kota Nakako

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