経済学短歌: リカード地代論の本質 Economics Tanka: The Essence of Ricardo’s Rent Theory

中湖 康太


リカードの 差額地代の 本質は 限界的な 生産力  - 経済学短歌

The Essence of Ricardo’s Differential Rent Theory is Marginal Product of Land.   – Economics Tanka

       English below.

リカードを読み直して感じたこと。経済学の限界革命は、1870年代のW.S. ジョボンズ、C.メンガー、L.ワルラスによってもたらされたいわれていますが、これは「限界効用革命」というべきでしょう。というのも限界生産力の概念は、すでにデービッド・リカードが1817年に出版した主著「経済学及び課税の原理」(‘The Principle of Political Economy and Taxation’)(差額)地代論で明らかにしているからです。



It is often said in the history of economics that ‘Marginal Revolution’ started with W.S. Jevons, C. Menger and L. Walras, in 1870s. However, this should perhaps be called ‘Marginal Utility Revolution’, because the concept of Marginal Product was already revealed by David Ricardo in his main work, ‘The Principle of Political Economy and Taxation’, as his (Differential) Rent Theory, published in1817.

In Ricardo’s works, no higher mathematics were used. But his ideas are always new and beyond time. It shows us that what is important in economics is not advanced mathematics but mathematical sense, for many practitioners, to say the least. Looking at text books of economics full of equations, I feel this way.

Of course, I should mention that I am myself a great beneficiary of financial products developed by financial engineering with advanced mathematics.

Kota Nakako

Feb 15, 2018

© kota nakako, gcs



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