29. 心あてに 折(を)らばや折(を)らむ 初霜(はつしも)の 置(お)きまどはせる 白菊の花 凡河内躬恒(おおしこうちみつね)Shall I dare to break The branch of chrysanthemums, honorable With first frost, the flake Which are between the two, undiscernible, And undistinguishable? By Mitsune Oshikochi Translated by Kota Nakako

中湖 康太

29. 心あてに 折(を)らばや折(を)らむ 初霜(はつしも)の 置(お)きまどはせる 白菊の花 凡河内躬恒(おおしこうちみつね)Shall I dare to break The branch of chrysanthemums, honorable With first frost, the flake Which are between the two, undiscernible, And undistinguishable? By Mitsune Oshikochi Translated by Kota Nakako

29. 心あてに 折(を)らばや折(を)らむ 初霜(はつしも)の 置(お)きまどはせる 白菊の花 凡河内躬恒(おおしこうちみつね)Shall I dare to break The branch of chrysanthemums, honorable With first frost, the flake Which are between the two, undiscernible, Identical and undistinguishable. By Mitsune Oshikochi Translated by Kota Nakako


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