93. 世の中は 常にもがもな なぎさこぐ あまの小舟(をぶね)の 綱手かなしも 源実朝(みなもとさねとも) How I wish the world would be eternally unchanged! I am moved quite deeply By the scene of daily life conducted mundanely Of a fisherman rolling out into the sea quietly By pulling the rope of small fishing boat quietly. By Sanetomo Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako

中湖 康太

93. 世の中は 常にもがもな なぎさこぐ あまの小舟(をぶね)の 綱手かなしも 源実朝(みなもとさねとも) How I wish the world would be eternally unchanged! I am moved quite deeply By the scene of daily life conducted mundanely Of a fisherman rolling out into the sea quietly By pulling the rope of small fishing boat quietly. By Sanetomo Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako

93. 世の中は 常にもがもな なぎさこぐ あまの小舟(をぶね)の 綱手かなしも 源実朝(みなもとさねとも) How I wish the world would be eternally unchanged! I am moved quite deeply By the scene of daily life conducted mundanely Of a fisherman rolling out into the sea quietly By pulling the rope of small fishing boat quietly. By Sanetomo Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako

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